Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Meet You There!!


  1. Salam.. I'm sorry I don't get it.. this meeting is for the committee only rite?? while the gathering is yet to be discussed during the meetings.. am i right?? do explain further please... gracias..

  2. Dear Azleen,
    This meeting is for all ULAA's Members.

    As for now we don't have a committee member yet, but we do have a ProTem Committee which is a temporary committee to kick start the election to form the official ULAA's Committee Members.

    We already posted a Suggestion Form in the ULAA's blog (please visit for you to propose / suggest a suitable candidate to represent your batch as the ULAA's Committee Members. Please read the Term & Condition listed in the Suggestion Form to understand the voting process.

    Below are the detail programs on the Election Day;

    9.00am - 10.00am : Green Wall Seminar (free to all ILAM’s Members, not yet a member? no problem come in anyway)

    10.00am – 10.30am : Break (WE WILL START THE ELECTION AT THIS TIME)
    - Please make sure YOU as the UTM’s Landscape Architecture Alumni Members are in the seminar room before the 10.00am – 10.30am break.

    10.30am – 11.00am: cont. Green Wall Seminar (free to all ILAM’s Members)
    11.00am – 12.30pm : ILAM AGM Meeting.
    We hope this is helpful.

    Thank You

  3. 9.00am - 10.00am : Green Wall Seminar (free to all ILAM’s Members, not yet a member? no problem come in anyway)

    *if not yet a member do we need to pay??
